Note: To have Interactive Captions enable for your account, please reach out to your Account Manager. If you are looking for help adding captions to a video, check out this article.
Interactive Captions
Search video captions from within the video
Click the caption on the video or search icon on the right of the video to open the caption slideout.
Use the search bar at the top to find specific words mentioned in the video
Use up and down keys to cycle through results
Jump to specific position on click
Download caption transcript
Click the download icon to get the .VTT file transcription from the video
Video creators/editors can edit captions within the video
Double click on caption line or click the edit icon in the top right to enable edit
Make caption corrections and hit enter or click out of the text box to auto-save
To edit multiple lines, click tab to go to the next line instead of enter to save
Use spacebar to play the video when the caption sidebar is open
Click on the refresh icon in the top right when you are finished editing to display new caption file on the video
Enable caption search for Viewers
Change default for all videos: Account Settings > My account >Default Video Permissions > Enable "Allow viewers to search video captions" - Note: This will only affect new videos created.
Change setting for a single video: Permissions > Enable "Enable caption search for viewers"
ESC - clears out search when in focus
Up/Down arrows - cycles through search results
Spacebar - plays/pauses video
Enter - edit/save caption line
Tab - go to next line in caption file
Note: Searching from the searchbar on the top of the VidGrid app will pull up videos with captions/transcripts attached.