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Recording My Screen and Webcam

How can I record my screen?

Ryan Schroeder avatar
Written by Ryan Schroeder
Updated over a week ago

Recording your screen, audio, and webcam on VidGrid is extremely easy! Check it out:

Control Bar - before recording:



  1. Status bar: Shows the state of the recording.

  2. Record button: Starts or resumes the recording.

  3. Microphone icon: Used to select your audio input and shows current audio input levels.

  4. Webcam button: Toggles webcam on/off.

  5. Full screen icon: Allows you to record your entire screen.

  6. Gear icon: Includes various settings for the Recorder. Settings for Mac are on the task bar at the top of the screen (see below).

  7. Close icon: Closes or Minimizes the Recorder.

Control Bar - basic settings:

  1. Webcam only mode: When on, the recorder only captures content from your webcam and nothing on screen. Update: This setting is now under the webcam icon

  2. Countdown toggle: When on, the recorder will countdown before starting the recording.

  3. Rapid recording toggle: Allows you to make multiple recordings in a row.

  4. Save videos: Saves a copy of your recording to your computer (this is recommended! See Re-uploading article).

  5. Restore recorder size: Recorder will remember previous recording dimensions for next time.

  6. Open video save folder: Directs you to where we save your recordings locally (See #4 above).

  7. HotKey settings: Displays HotKeys for Record/Pause, Stop, and Minimize/Maximize. More info

  8. About: Shows the version of recorder you have.

  9. Log Out: Logs you out of VidGrid.

Basic settings on Mac are available on the task bar at the top of the screen:



Recorder bounds and dimensions:

  1. Lock aspect ratio: Maintains a 16:9 aspect ratio while manually readjusting the recorder bounds.

  2. Current recording dimensions: Displays pixel width x height for your recording.

  3. Drop-down for preset dimensions: Common dimensions for 16:9 aspect ratio. For best playback view, select one of these options.

  4. Custom area tool: Select the Crop icon to drag around what you want to record (will not lock the 16:9 aspect ratio).

  5. Outer bounds of your recording: Everything inside these lines will be recorded.

Control Bar - during recording:



  1. Time clock: Shows the current time.

  2. Pause button: Pauses the recording.

  3. Trash icon: Cancels the current recording and starts over.

  4. Check button: Stops the recording and uploads it.

  5. Webcam icon: Enables/disables your webcam.

  6. Drawing Tool: Enables drawing on screen. More info

Control Bar - while paused:

  1. Revert: Go back to last pause in the recording to re-record section.

  2. Grab Icon: Move the recording area to another area of the screen.

From pause, you can finish or cancel your video. To resume your recording, select Resume.

Control Bar - after finishing your video:

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