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Using the Drawing Tool

Draw on screen while using the screen recorder.

Ryan Schroeder avatar
Written by Ryan Schroeder
Updated over 6 years ago

VidGrid’s drawing tool lets you draw on-screen with your cursor while the recorder is launched. When enabled, you can draw anywhere on your screen, not just within the screen recorder’s boundaries.

For PC: Video Tour

Make sure you're not in webcam only mode to use the drawing feature.

  • When recording, or while a recording is paused, the microphone icon on the recorder hub will turn into a paintbrush icon. 

  • Click this paintbrush icon to enable drawing. Your cursor will now turn into the drawing tool, allowing you to draw on screen whenever you click and move your cursor. (Hotkey: Alt + A)

  • To change your cursor back to normal, press the “x” icon on the screen recorder. Leaving drawing mode still leaves your drawings on screen. (Hotkey: Alt + A)

  • To clear all drawings on screen, click on the “clear” icon on the far right of the recorder. (Hotkey: Alt + X)

  • To undo the your last draw stroke, click on the “undo” icon to the right of the record button. Clicking undo will also undo the last “clear” as well. (Hotkey: Alt + Z)

  • To change the drawing tool’s color, click on the colored circle to the left of the record button and select a new color. (Hotkey: Alt +➡ )

Pro Tip: If you have a touch screen PC or Surface Pro that can run the VidGrid recorder, you can use a stylus or your finger to draw on screen!

For Mac: Video Tour

*Only Available for Mac OS x 10.13 +

  • To enable drawing, click on "Tools" on the task bar at the top of the screen while using the recorder. Then, click on "Enable drawing." (Hotkey: Option + A)

  • To change the drawing tool's color, click on "Tools" while the drawing tool is enabled, click "Color" and select a new color.

  • To disable drawing, clear all drawing on screen (Hotkey: Option + X), or undo the last action (Hotkey: Option + Z), click on "tools" from the task bar at the top of the screen and make your selection.

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