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Admin Abilities

A guide to unique Admin capabilities on VidGrid.

Ryan Schroeder avatar
Written by Ryan Schroeder
Updated over a week ago

Admins on VidGrid have unique responsibilities. The following is a broad overview of the abilities are allowed to perform for their organizations.

Changing User Permissions

Admins are able to change each org member’s individual permissions and group memberships. This is possible by going into Account Settings, and clicking on Manage Users.

Here, Admins can rename org members, assign org members to groups, change user permissions, delete users, and transfer ownership of users’ videos. 

User Permissions:

  • Administrators: Can record, edit, upload, and view videos, and are granted permissions (detailed in this article).

  • Creators: Can record, edit, upload and view videos.

  • Viewers: Can view videos.

Deleting a user will delete all of that user’s content as well. To transfer a user’s content to another user:

  • Click on “more,” while in the Managing Users section of Account Settings, then click on “transfer video ownership.” 

  • Select the source user and the destination user, and click on “transfer.” Transferring videos in this way will transfer all of the original user’s videos to the new user’s account.

Transferring Individual Video Ownership

Only Admins have the power to transfer the ownership of videos belonging to users at their organization. To transfer a single video to a different user:

  • Open the video, and click on the downward-pointing triangle underneath the video next to the current video owner’s icon. 

  • Click “change video owner.” 

  • Type the name or email address of the new video owner in the window that appears. Then click “done.”  

Admins are only able to transfer videos between 2 users in their organization. Once a video is transferred, it will no longer appear on its original user’s grid. The original user will also no longer be able to edit or change permissions for the video.

Adding Users and Managing Groups

Admins have the ability to add new users and assign users to groups within their organization. Check out our article on Managing Users and Groups.


Admins can set up integrations for users at their organizations. These integrations make VidGrid even easier to use with other platforms. Information required for each integration can be found in Account Settings in the Integrations section. Check out our articles about setting up specific integrations on VidGrid:

Analytics Dashboard

The Analytics Dashboard shows an overview of your organization’s video statistics. These include videos created over time, plays of user’s videos over time, statistics by user, and statistics by organization. 

To access the Analytics Dashboard as an Admin, click on your profile icon in the top right corner of your grid. Then click on Analytics Dashboard.

You can change the type of graph and the range of dates in the top right corner of each graph.

Default Questions Library

When adding questions to their videos, Admins can save common questions to their organization's default questions library. 

  • To add a question, click on the surveys and quizzes icon in the upper right corner of the video. 

  • Click on the "library" tab. Click on the "+" next to "Default Library" and create the question you would like to add to the default questions library.

  • Click "save" and your question will be saved to your organization's default library. 

Members of your organization will be able to add questions from the default library to their videos by clicking on the "+" next to the question.

For more information about adding questions, check out our article on adding in-video questions.

Changing Company Name and Logo

Admins can change their organization’s name and logo on VidGrid from their Account Settings. Check out our article on Custom Branding For Your Account.

New Video Defaults

In their account settings, Admins can change the default settings for new videos created by users at their organization. To do so, go to Account Settings, click on Org Settings, and scroll down to New Video Defaults. 

Here, Admins can allow users to change their own permissions for videos, set general permissions for new videos, allows users to combine videos, show the VidGrid logo on embedded videos, enable viewers to open up right-click menus for videos, and prevent users from making videos that are able to be viewed by people from outside of the organization.

Admin View

View all videos in the entire organization's account. Filter and sort by users and custom video attributes. See video.

Closed Captioning Settings

Admins can require users to submit caption requests before captioning their videos. 

  • To enable this feature, go to Account Settings, and then Org Settings. 

  • Scroll down to Closed Captioning Settings, and check the box marked “allow creators to request video captions.” 

  • Set a maximum duration users can caption a video for without admin approval in the text box underneath. If you want all videos to require Admin approval for captioning, type in “0.”  

If enabled, Admins will receive an email to approve of a caption request every time a user at an organization requests captions. Captions will not be processed until Admins manually approve the request.

Custom Naming for the Org Library

The Org Library’s name can be changed by Admins. To change the name of the Org Library, go into account settings, and click on Org Settings. Then scroll down to Custom Labels and enter a new name for the Org Library and click “save.”


Admins can change their organization’s billing settings by going into their own Account Settings, and clicking on “Billing” on the left margin. From here, you can change your organization’s billing information and look at the latest invoice.

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