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Video Quizzes in My LMS

Add In-Video questions to your video that will pass directly back to your gradebook.

Ryan Schroeder avatar
Written by Ryan Schroeder
Updated over 5 years ago


  • To set up VidGrid’s Canvas video quizzing integration, you’ll first need a video with quiz questions on VidGrid. In Canvas, go to “Courses” and click on “Assignments.” From here, add a new assignment, and name the quiz. Scroll down and select the number of points you want this assignment to be worth. The total points available will be divided by the total number of questions to get the point value for each question.

  • Select “External Tool” from the drop-down, click on “Find,” scroll down and choose “VidGrid Interactive Quiz.” Then, configure your “assign” settings, scroll down to the bottom, and hit “Save and Publish.” You’ll be prompted to attach a video to your assignment. Select your VidGrid video with the quiz and attach it.

  • When the students go to play the video, they'll be notified that they need to watch the entire video to complete the assignment. When the quiz question pops up, they'll have to respond to the question before they can continue. When they hit “Submit,” their video will be completed and officially submitted. As an instructor, you can go into the feed grader to see the responses of students who have taken the quiz.


  • To add a video quiz to your Blackboard environment, first go up to your assessments and choose “VidGrid Quiz.” When you get to the quiz page, title it, and scroll down to your grading section to enable grading. Here, you'll put the points possible. The total amount of points is divided by the number of questions you have that are gradable in the video. Scroll down and click on “submit.” 

  • On the next page, select the quiz you made. Now select the video that has the quiz questions that you'd like to add to the assignment. You can play back the video for a preview and see how it’ll look to your student. When you're satisfied that this is the correct video, click “attach video to assignment.”

  • Now when the student logs into Blackboard and clicks on your assignment, they'll be presented with your video. They'll click play, answer the questions, and when the video completes, it'll be put into your gradebook. To look at the grade, from your course management page, click on the grade center, and go up to the Blackboard quiz to find your question answered.


  • In your D2L course, go to Content > Add Existing Activities > External Learning Tools.

  • Select VidGrid Quiz. The activity will be added to your course with the title "VidGrid Quiz." Click the title to open the quiz.

  • Choose a new title for your quiz. Select the video with the quiz questions you would like the students to view. Click "Attach video to assignment."

  • In the Activity Details below, under Assessment, +New Grade Item.

  • Name your grade item (same as quiz name), scroll down to Maximum Points and input the highest points for the quiz. Click Create.

  • Students will click on your quiz, see the quiz on-screen, read your instructions, and play the video right within D2L. The question will pop up on the screen for them to answer. When the video is completed, it'll automatically pass to your grade book, where you’ll see who took your quiz and how many points they earned.


  • After you have a video with quiz questions already added in VidGrid, go to Moodle and add an activity or resource. Choose “external tool” and add it. Name your quiz and then launch the preconfigured tool “VidGrid Quiz.” 

  • Next, select the grade and add some points. Divide the total number of points by the number of questions to get how many points each question will be worth. You can select the rest of the grading as you usually would in Moodle, and then scroll down to the bottom and click “Save and Display.” 

  • Now, select a video that you’ve added questions to. On the next page, confirm that this is the video to attach to your quiz. Here, you can see the questions currently on your video and change or remove the default instructions shown below it. Then, attach the video to the assignment. You'll get a message that the video has been attached, and that this is the video your learner will see when they take your quiz in Moodle. 

  • Students will click on your quiz, see the quiz on-screen, read your instructions, and play the video right within Moodle. The question will pop up on the screen for them to answer. They’ll also see your feedback after answering the question. When the video is completed, it'll automatically pass to your grade book, where you’ll see who took your quiz and how many points they earned.

Creating In-Video Questions:

Save time by not having to recreate the same question for every video you make. Once you have created your question and saved it to your video, you can also save the video to the Library. 

Saving Questions to the Library:

If there are not any questions saved in your Library, you will see this message:

From the Questions tab, add a question, save it, and click the icon to add question to library. 

To add your questions from the Library to your video, click the + icon where you would like to insert the video. You can make changes to the question before saving to the video.

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