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How to set up Blackboard Integrations for Self/Manage Hosted + SaaS Original.
How to set up Blackboard Integrations for Self/Manage Hosted + SaaS Original.

All Blackboard versions utilizing the Original Experience will follow these setup steps.

Ryan Schroeder avatar
Written by Ryan Schroeder
Updated over a week ago


This article is for all versions of Blackboard utilizing the Original Experience. This includes Self Hosted, Managed Hosted, SaaS, and Ultra Experience - Original View. The main difference between Original and Ultra View at this point is that Original uses Building Blocks.

This document outlines the setup for the following integrations:

  1. Building Block Installation

  2. Update Safe HTML Policy

  3. Configure VidGrid LTI Tool

  4. VidGrid Quiz Integration

  5. VidGrid Portal Integration

  6. VidGrid Student Recording Integration

  7. Deploy Integrations in VidGrid

  8. Testing Integrations

  9. VidGrid Login LTI (Optional - only used if SSO is not enabled)


  • Admin access to VidGrid

  • System Administrator Access for Blackboard

1. Building Block Installation:

1.1 Copy your Consumer Key from VidGrid Account Settings > Integrations> LTI Settings > LTI 1.1 Settings (see Figure 1)

(Figure 1)

1.2 Go to > The latest release displays at the top of the page > Assets > Click the .war file to download the lastest version (see Figure 2).

(Figure 2)

1.3 Go to your Blackboard System Admin > Building Blocks > Installed Tools > Upload Building Block > Browse and select the .war file from 1.2 > Submit > Approve.

(Figure 3)

1.4 Return to the Blackboard Installed Tools page and find the VidGrid Building Block. Go into its Settings and click Configure Building Block Settings. Enter your Consumer Key where is says "API Key" and the Shared Secret. Submit.

(Figure 4)

1.5 Check the VidGrid Building Block System Settings to ensure the Server URL is and the API URL is Perform a test configuration to make sure the connection is OK.

(Figure 5)

1.6 From your System Admin Panel, go to Tools and Utilities > Tools > VidGrid Building Block. Turn the Availability on for all three tool types. Apply to both new and existing courses.

(Figure 6)

1.7  Embed a video in Blackboard anywhere that offers a "Media Mashup." Just click Add Content Icon (Figure 7), choose VidGrid, and search for the video you'd like to embed. Once you've selected the video, hit Insert. (To play back the video, make sure Edit Mode is off).

(FIgure 7)

2. Update Safe HTML Policy

If, after configuring the Embed plugin, instructors can embed VidGrid videos on Blackboard but students cannot, then you need to take a few more steps. (Embedding the video will appear to work while the student authors their post, but when they click save, the VidGrid video will be "sanitized" out by Blackboard as a security precaution).  If this is happening, do the following:

2.1 As a Blackboard admin, navigate to System Admin > Safe HTML Filters  > Safe HTML Filter for Content Editor, and download the active "policy" XML file, indicated by the green checkmark:

(Figure 8)

2.2 Open the XML file in a text editor like notepad on Windows or textedit on Mac, and search for the word "iframe." You should see a long list of websites that are allowed to embed, in XML format. Add this line to the list:
  <regexp value="http[s]?://*"/>

(Figure 9)

2.2 Save and upload the modified policy XML file, and set it as "active" by clicking the down-carrot to the right of the file name and selecting "activate."

(Figure 10)

2.3 Sign is a student in Blackboard (make sure to log out of VidGrid first via or open an incognito window, so you don't appear signed in as your VidGrid admin user during the test) and test if the issue is fixed. If not, then continue to the next steps.

2.4 In Blackboard, navigate to System Admin > Safe HTML Filters > Global Safe HTML Filter, and change "Filtering Enabled" to "yes," and "Filtering Mode" to "dangerous HTML" (not "all HTML").  This should fix the issue. If not, please try a rolling restart of Blackboard, and if the issue still persists, contact VidGrid support.

3. Configure VidGrid LTI Tool

3.1 From the Administrator Panel > Integrations > LTI Tool Providers
3.2 Click Register LTI 1.3 Tool
3.3 Enter Client ID: a0ebe52b-2d2a-449d-99e4-770e0ac1939c > Submit
3.4 On the Accept LTI 1.3 Tool complete the following:

  • Tool Status: Approved

  • Copy Deployment ID (Save for later)

  • Click Submit

3.5 On the LTI Tool Providers Page, click on the Options Menu for Prod Lti 13 New (see Figure 10)

(Figure 10)

3.6 Click Manage Placements

4. VidGrid Quiz Integration

4.1 Click Create Placement (see Figure 11)

(Figure 11)

4.2 Fill in the fields with the following information:

4.3 Click Submit

5. VidGrid Portal Integration

(Note: If you want the Portal to appear as a system tool AND course tool, you will need to create two separate placements for the VidGrid Portal. Change the type depending on the placement desired)

5.1 Click Create Placement (see Figure 11)

5.2 Fill in the fields with the following information:

  • Label: VidGrid Portal

  • Description: Access the whole VidGrid app experience within the LMS environment. Instructors can access their manage their Grid, edit videos, request/edit captions, duplicate and combine videos, share videos, and much more without leaving the LMS.

  • Handle: vigrid-portal (Note: if you have more than one placement, add a number in the Handle. i.e. vigrid-portal-1, vidgrid-portal-2)

  • Availability: Yes

  • Type: System tool and/or Course tool (Non-student) (Note: this can be added for students as well if students have licenses. Reach out to your account manager for more information.)

5.3 Click Submit

6. VidGrid Student Record Integration

6.1 Click Create Placement (see Figure 11)

6.2 Fill in the fields with the following information:

  • Label: VidGrid Student Record

  • Description: Assign video recording assignments to your learners. The student records and previews the video all from within the LMS. The instructor receives the video in their course folder as soon as the learner approves the recording. These assignments can be added as graded assignments to the gradebook.

  • Handle: vigrid-student-record

  • Availability: Yes

  • Type: Course content tool > allows grading

6.3 Click Submit

7. Deploy integrations in VidGrid

7.1 Log into VidGrid as an Admin. Navigate to Account Settings (see Figure 12) > LTI Settings.

(Figure 12)

7.2 Fill out the LTI basic settings.

  • What LMS is your organization using?: Blackboard

  • What is the URL of your LMS?  Copy and paste your org's Blackboard URL (i.e.

  • Click Save

7.3 LTI 1.3 Settings > Add a new LTI 1.3 deployment

  • Select LMS: Blackboard

  • Quiz LTI

  • Deployment ID: Paste Deployment ID from 1.6

  • Click Save

7.4 LTI 1.3 Settings > Add a new LTI 1.3 deployment

  • Select LMS: Blackboard

  • Portal LTI

  • Deployment ID: Paste Deployment ID from 1.6

  • Click Save

7.5 LTI 1.3 Settings > Add a new LTI 1.3 deployment

  • Select LMS: Blackboard

  • Guest Recorder LTI

  • Deployment ID: Paste Deployment ID from 1.6

  • Click Save

8. Test Integrations

8.1 Testing VidGrid Embed: 

  • Click on Mashups in the Rich Text Editor > VidGrid Embed (See Figure 7)

  • Record, upload, or select a video > Insert

  • The video will embed in the content area.

8.2 Testing VidGrid Quiz: 

  • From a course, choose Content > Build Content > VidGrid Quiz 

  • Enter the Quiz Name > Enable Evaluation > Add Point Possible

  • Submit

  • Click on the Quiz in the Content area > Select the video from VidGrid to be inserted into the quiz > Attach video to assignment 

  • Log in as a student to take the quiz

8.3 Testing VidGrid Student Record: 

  • From a course, choose Content > Build Content > VidGrid Student Record

  • Enter the Assignment Name > Enable Evaluation (optional) > Add Point Possible (optional)

  • Submit

  • Click on the Assignment in the Content area > Select the destination folder from VidGrid > Submit

  • Log in as a student to take the record a video for the assignment

  • Log in as instructor, view the folder in VidGrid to see the submitted video.

8.4 Testing VidGrid Portal 

  • The Portal should appear under Tools in the course or in the global navigation.

9. VidGrid Login LTI (Optional - only use if SSO cannot be enabled)

From Blackboard

9.1 Click Create Placement (see Figure 11)

9.2 Fill in the fields with the following information:

From VidGrid

9.3 LTI 1.3 Settings > Add a new LTI 1.3 deployment

  • Select LMS: Blackboard

  • Login LTI

  • Deployment ID: Paste Deployment ID from 1.6

  • Click Save

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